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Rev. chil. endocrinol. diabetes ; 14(2): 74-76, 2021.
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1283555


La enfermedad de Gaucher (EG) es un trastorno genético lisosomal autosómico recesivo infrecuente, que conduce a la acumulación de lípidos y disfunción en múltiples órganos. La afectación del esqueleto es uno de los hallazgos más frecuentes de la EG y una de las principales causas de dolor y reducción de calidad de vida. El compromiso esquelético incluye anomalías en el remodelado óseo con pérdida mineral ósea, adelgazamiento cortical, lesiones líticas, fracturas por fragilidad y deformidades articulares. A continuación presentamos el caso de una paciente 61 años con osteoporosis grave secundaria a EG diagnosticada en la vida adulta, con antecedente de dos hermanas con EG. La paciente refería dolores óseos y lumbago crónico desde los 53 años. El 2012 fue evaluada en policlínico de hematología por trombocitopenia y debido a sus antecedentes familiares se le solicitaron exámenes que fueron compatibles con EG. El año 2016 la densitometría ósea (DXA) de columna lumbar y cuello femoral izquierdo, que mostró una osteoporosis. Se inició tratamiento con Alendronato, Calcio y Vitamina D, pero la paciente tuvo escasa adherencia. El 2018 se inició tratamiento de su EG con Taliglucerasa α. Al año siguiente se le realizó nueva DXA que evidenció persistencia de la osteoporosis y por mantención del lumbago se le solicitó una TAC de columna lumbar que mostró fracturas por aplastamiento de cuerpos vertebrales dorsales bajos. Se derivó a endocrinología para manejo de su osteoporosis grave. A su ingreso a endocrinología la paciente persitía con dolor lumbar alto y destacaba una marcada cifosis. Se decidió retomar tratamiento con Alendronato, calcio y vitamina D, además, se le solicitó una nueva evaluación densitométrica junto a una radiografía de columna total y evaluación dental. Durante el seguimiento la paciente mantuvo niveles de vitamina D adecuados con funciones renal, hepática y tiroidea normales.

Gaucher disease (GD) is a rare autosomal recessive lysosomal genetic disorder, leading to the accumulation and dysfunction of lipids in multiple organs. Skeletal involvement is one of the most prevalent aspects of GD and one of the main causes of pain and reduced quality of life. Abnormalities of bones, which cause changes in the development and loss of bone mineral, cortical thinning, lytic lesions,fragility fractures and deformities. We present a case of a patient diagnosed with severe osteoporosis, secondary to GD diagnosed in adult life. The patient presents a disease pattern composed of bone pain and chronic low back pain since the age of 53. In 2012, she was evaluated at the hematology for thrombocytopenia and due to her family history, tests were performed to diagnose GD, which were compatible with it. In 2016 Bone Densitometry (DXA) of the lumbar spine and left femoral neck was requested, being consistent with osteoporosis. Treatment with Alendronate, Calcium and Vitamin D was started, however, there is little adherence. In 2018, treatment for Gaucher's disease was started with Taliglucerase α. The following year, DXA was performed with few changes and a CT scan of the lumbar spine was performed diagnosing crush fractures of the low dorsal vertebral bodies. She was referred to endocrinology. Upon admission to Endocrinology, it was decided to resume initial osteoporosis treatment and to perform skeletal evaluation with DXA of the lumbar spine and hips, total spine X-ray and dental evaluation. During follow-up, it maintains vitamin D at adequate levels and normal kidney, liver and thyroid functions.

Humans , Female , Middle Aged , Osteoporosis/etiology , Gaucher Disease/complications , Osteoporosis/therapy , Low Back Pain/etiology
Arq. bras. neurocir ; 39(4): 300-305, 15/12/2020.
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1362340


Low back pain is defined as pain located between the lower rib cage and the gluteal folds, and its etiology is multifactorial, considerably affecting quality of life. The aim of this literature review was to analyze the influence of the Pilates method on the symptoms of patients with nonspecific low back pain, which is considered a promising treatment for this type of pathology. A narrative review of the literature was carried out using the PubMed, Pedro, Scopus and Scielo databases. To perform the search, Pilates AND Low back nonspecific AND Pain were used as keywords. Articles published in the last 5 years, randomized clinical trials that verified the influence of the Pilates method in adult individuals with unspecified low back pain and full text in English were included. Of the 77 articles identified, 7 articlesmet the inclusion criteria, 7 analyzed the primary outcomes of pain intensity and disability, 5 articles compared Pilates with other rehabilitation techniques and 2 studies compared the effectiveness of Pilates solo with Pilates apparatus. It was concluded that all the techniques that were compared with Pilates are effective, being difficult to affirm the superiority of Pilates over them in relation to the reduction of pain and disability and improvement of quality of life. However, the Pilates method has shown good results in pain perception and intensity, functional capacity, fear of movement and the idea that movement can worsen your condition, muscle strength, range of motion and flexibility.

Low Back Pain/therapy , Exercise Movement Techniques/methods , Exercise Movement Techniques/trends , Quality of Life , Body Image , Pain Measurement , Low Back Pain/etiology , Exercise Therapy/methods , Muscle Strength
Dolor ; 30(72): 10-13, nov. 2020. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1362051


Introducción: El dolor lumbar es uno de los principales motivos de consulta en diferentes escenarios clínicos; entre las causas más frecuentes de dolor lumbar se encuentra el canal lumbar estrecho, discopatía y radiculopatías, por lo que se han establecido diferentes modalidades de tratamiento que incluyen medidas invasivas, como las inyecciones de esteroides epidurales vía caudal. Objetivo: Evaluar la mejoría del dolor lumbar después de la aplicación de esteroides epidurales caudales no particulados en la población con dolor crónico lumbar bajo secundario a canal lumbar estrecho, discopatía y radiculopatía lumbar de un hospital en Bogotá, Colombia. Metodología: Se realizó un estudio observacional retrospectivo en el que se evaluó la reducción del dolor, en pacientes con diagnóstico de dolor lumbar crónico secundario a canal lumbar estrecho, radiculopatía, discopatía, mediante escala visualanáloga del dolor EVA seis meses después de la aplicación de dexametasona 8 mg vía epidural caudal en 147 pacientes en un período de 2 años. Resultados: Se evaluaron 147 pacientes con dolor lumbar crónico, de los cuales 58.32% eran mujeres y 47.76% hombres, con edades entre 44 y 77 años, de los cuales 50% eran mayores o igual a 65 años y 75% mayor o igual a 77 años. En la evaluación inicial del dolor lumbar, se encontró que el 50% de los pacientes tenían una EVA inicial mayor o igual a 8/10 y el 75% informó un EVA inicial 10/10. Se encontró que el canal lumbar estrecho fue la principal causa de dolor lumbar en el 53,06% de los pacientes, seguido de la enfermedad del disco lumbar el 49,66% y en el tercer lugar, los pacientes con radiculopatía lumbar correspondieron al 19.73% de la población. Sobre la mejoría del dolor de una manera particular, se encontró una mayor reducción del dolor en pacientes con enfermedad de disco lumbar 48,21%, seguido de estrecho canal lumbar estrecho 41,37% y radiculopatías lumbares 33,3%. En el análisis comparativo por patología aislada, la intervención no presentó una mejora considerable, sin embargo, cuando más de una de las entidades estudiadas coexistieron en el mismo paciente, hubo una mejoría significativa del dolor, por lo que en el 66,5% de los pacientes diagnosticados con un canal lumbar estrecho y radiculopatía, la mejoría de la lumbalgia y la radiculopatía disminuyó, de la misma forma que los pacientes que presentaron discopatía y radiculopatía tuvieron un alivio del dolor del 66% y, finalmente, aquellos con discopatía y canal lumbar estrecho, 60% tuvieron una reducción del dolor después del procedimiento. Conclusión: La aplicación de esteroides no particulados vía epidural caudal proporciona una mejora sintomática significativa en un porcentaje considerable de pacientes sometidos al procedimiento, especialmente en aquellos que tienen más de una de las causas de dolor lumbar crónico expuesta, por lo que se constituye en una medida invasiva de tratamiento efectivo para el dolor lumbar en este tipo de pacientes.

Introduction: Low back pain is one of the main reasons for consultation in different clinical scenarios; among the most frequent causes of low back pain is the narrow lumbar canal, discopathy and radiculopathies, which is why different modalities have been established of treatment including invasive measures such as injections of epidural steroids caudal via. Objective: To evaluate the improvement of lumbar pain after application of non-particulate caudal epidural steroid via in the population with chronic low lumbar pain in the narrow lumbar canal, discopathy and lumbar radiculopathy of a military hospital in Bogotá, Colombia. Methodology: A retrospective observational study was performed in which the pain reduction measured by visual analogous scale of pain VAS was evaluated six months after the application of dexamethasone 8 mg caudal epidural via in 147 patients in a period of 2 years Results: 147 patients with chronic low back pain were evaluated, of which 58.32% were women and 47.76% men, with ages between 44 and 77 years, of which 50% were greater than or equal to 65 years and 75 % greater than or equal to 77 years. Concerning the initial evaluation of lumbar pain, it was found that 50% of the patients had an initial VAS greater than or equal to 8/10 and 75% reported an initial VAS 10/10. Regarding the prevalence of causes of low back pain in the evaluated patients, it was found that the narrow lumbar canal was the main cause in 53.06% of the patients, followed by lumbar disc disease 49.66% and in the third place patients with lumbar radiculopathy corresponded 19.73% of the population. About pain improvement in a particular way, greater pain reduction was found in patients with lumbar disc disease 48.21%, followed by narrow lumbar canal 41.37% and lumbar radiculopathies 33.3%. In the comparative analysis due to isolated pathology, the intervention did not present a considerable improvement, however, when more than one of the entities studied coexisted in the same patient, there was a significant improvement in pain, thus 66.5% of the patients diagnosed with a canal. Narrow lumbar and radiculopathy improved, in the same way those patients who presented with discopathy and radiculopathy 66% had relief of pain and finally those with discopathy and narrow lumbar canal 60% had pain reduction after the procedure. Conclusion: The application of non-particulate steroid via caudal epidural provides significant symptomatic improvement in a considerable percentage of patients undergoing the procedure, especially in those who have more than one of the causes of chronic low back pain exposed and evaluated, thus being able to constitute an invasive measure of effective treatment for low back pain in this type of patients.

Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Middle Aged , Aged , Steroids/administration & dosage , Injections, Epidural , Low Back Pain/drug therapy , Steroids/therapeutic use , Pain Measurement , Retrospective Studies , Treatment Outcome , Low Back Pain/etiology
Fisioter. Pesqui. (Online) ; 27(1): 10-15, jan.-mar. 2020. tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1090413


RESUMO Para a manutenção do equilíbrio, o organismo utiliza os sistemas visuais, vestibulares e proprioceptivos, que enviam informações para o sistema nervoso central acerca das condições do corpo com o objetivo de estabilizá-lo. Este estudo avaliou o efeito das palmilhas proprioceptivas sobre o equilíbrio postural estático e as dores musculoesqueléticas após dois meses de uso, por meio de uma pesquisa analítica longitudinal com 15 militares saudáveis do sexo masculino com média de idade de 34±7,5 anos. Eles foram submetidos à avaliação do equilíbrio por meio da plataforma Medicapteurs® e pelo protocolo CNT. Não houve diferença estatística para os desvios do corpo e velocidade do centro de pressão. A pressão plantar teve mudança estatisticamente significante para o pé esquerdo e o pé direito correspondendo a p=0,0001 e p=0,0007, respectivamente. Houve redução das médias de dores nos joelhos, pés e calcanhares e diminuição significativa da dor lombar, com p=0,0180. O equilíbrio estático não foi alterado significativamente com o uso das palmilhas proprioceptivas pelos militares, contudo elas proporcionaram melhor redistribuição das pressões plantares e parecem atenuar as dores musculoesqueléticas das extremidades inferiores. Por isso as palmilhas podem ser consideradas para esse grupo uma terapêutica de prevenção contra lesões relacionadas à sua atividade laboral.

RESUMEN Para mantener el equilibrio el cuerpo utiliza los sistemas visuales, vestibulares y propioceptivos, que envían información al sistema nervioso central sobre las condiciones del cuerpo para estabilizarlo. Este estudio evaluó el efecto de las plantillas propioceptivas sobre el equilibrio postural estático y los dolores musculoesqueléticas después de dos meses de uso, a través de una investigación analítica longitudinal con 15 soldados sanos con una edad media de 34±7.5 años. Ellos fueron sometidos a evaluación de equilibrio a través de la plataforma Medicapteurs® y por el protocolo CNT. No hubo diferencia estadística para las desviaciones del cuerpo y para la velocidad del centro de presión. La presión plantar tuvo un cambio estadísticamente significativo para el pie izquierdo y el pie derecho correspondiente a p=0.0001 y p=0.0007, respectivamente. Hubo una reducción en las promedio de los dolores en las rodillas, pies y talones y una disminución significativa en el dolor lumbar, con p=0.0180. El equilibrio estático no se modificó significativamente con el uso de plantillas propioceptivas por los militares, sin embargo, proporcionaron una mejor redistribución de las presiones plantares y parecen ablandar los dolores musculoesqueléticas en las extremidades inferiores. Por lo tanto las plantillas pueden considerarse para ese grupo como una terapia de prevención contra lesiones relacionadas con su actividad laboral.

ABSTRACT To maintain the balance, the body uses visual, vestibular and proprioceptive systems, which send information to the central nervous system about the body's conditions in order to stabilize it. This study evaluated the effect of proprioceptive insoles on static postural balance and musculoskeletal pains after two months of use, through a longitudinal analytical study with 15 healthy male soldiers with a mean age of 34±7.5 years. They were subjected to balance evaluation through the Medicapteurs® platform and by CNT protocol. There was no statistical difference for the deviations of the body and speed of the center of pressure. Plantar pressure had a statistically significant change for the left and the right feet, corresponding to p=0.0001 and p=0.0007, respectively. There was a reduction in the mean values of the pains in the knees, feet and heels and a significant decrease in lumbar spine pain, with p=0.0180. The static balance was not significantly altered with the use of proprioceptive insoles by the militaries; however, these insoles provided a better redistribution of plantar pressures and seem to attenuate the musculoskeletal pains of the lower extremities. Therefore, insoles can be considered as a prevention therapy against injuries for this group related to their work activity.

Humans , Male , Adult , Middle Aged , Orthotic Devices/adverse effects , Postural Balance/physiology , Musculoskeletal Pain/etiology , Shoes , Splints/adverse effects , Laboratory and Fieldwork Analytical Methods , Longitudinal Studies , Low Back Pain/etiology , Foot Diseases/etiology , Military Personnel
Rev. bras. epidemiol ; 23: e200037, 2020. tab, graf
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1101597


RESUMO: Objetivos: Estimar a prevalência e caracterizar a ocorrência de dor lombar gestacional (DLG), dor na cintura pélvica posterior (DCPP) e dor na sínfise púbica (DSP) entre gestantes residentes em Rio Grande, RS. Métodos: Estudo transversal realizado com todas as puérperas com parto em 2016. Foram utilizadas duas figuras para investigar a presença de DLG, DCPP e DSP de forma isolada ou combinada. Regressão logística multinomial foi usada para avaliar os fatores associados a cada sintoma. Resultados: DLG foi referida por 42,2% das entrevistadas, DSP por 4,9%, e DCPP por 2%, enquanto DLG + DSP por 9%, DLG + DCPP por 2,8%, DCPP + DSP por 1,1% e dor nas três regiões por 3,9% delas. Quanto maior era a idade da gestante, menor foi o risco de DLG e de DLG combinada a uma das regiões da cintura pélvica e maior o risco de DCPP + DSP. Depressão na gestação aumentou o risco de todas as combinações dos sintomas. Conclusão: Este estudo realizou uma descrição mais detalhada da ocorrência dos desfechos avaliados e de seus fatores associados. Estudos como este são raros no país, sobretudo com baixas taxas de perdas e recusas. A elevada prevalência dos sintomas avaliados sugere que sua investigação seja rotineira nas consultas de pré-natal, atendo-se a idade das gestantes, sintomas depressivos e a dores combinadas e intensas.

ABSTRACT: Objectives: To estimate the prevalence and characterize the occurrence of low back pain (LBP), posterior pelvic girdle pain (PPGP) and pubic symphysis pain (PSP) among pregnant women resident in Rio Grande, RS. Methods: This was a cross-sectional study of all postpartum women who gave birth in 2016. Two pictures were used to investigate the presence of LBP, PPGP and PSP, both isolated and combined. Multinomial logistic regression was used to evaluate the factors associated with each symptom. Results: LBP was reported by 42.2%, PSP by 4.9%, and PPGP by 2%, while LBP + PSP was reported by 9%, LBP and PPGP by 2.8% and PPGP + PSP by 1.1%, and pain in all three regions was reported by 3.9% of the sample. The more advanced the age of the pregnant women, the risk for LBP and of LBP combined with one of the pelvic girdle regions was reduced, while the risk for PPGP + PSP was increased. Depression during pregnancy increased the risk for all symptom combinations. Conclusion: This study provided a detailed description of the occurrence of the evaluated outcomes and its associated factors. Studies like this are rare in Brazil, especially a census with low rates of losses and refusals. The high prevalence of the evaluated symptoms suggests that it should be investigated routinely in prenatal care, taking into account the age of the pregnant women, depressive symptoms and those experiencing combined or intense pain.

Humans , Female , Pregnancy , Child , Adolescent , Adult , Young Adult , Pregnancy Complications/epidemiology , Pubic Symphysis , Low Back Pain/epidemiology , Arthralgia/epidemiology , Pelvic Girdle Pain/epidemiology , Lumbar Vertebrae , Pregnancy Complications/etiology , Pain Measurement , Brazil/epidemiology , Logistic Models , Prevalence , Cross-Sectional Studies , Surveys and Questionnaires , Risk Factors , Age Factors , Gestational Age , Low Back Pain/etiology , Arthralgia/etiology , Depression/complications , Depression/epidemiology , Pelvic Girdle Pain/etiology
Rehabil. integral (Impr.) ; 14(2): 91-101, dic. 2019. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1100631


El dolor sacroilíaco es una causa generalmente subdiagnosticada de dolor lumbar, que afecta del 15% a 30% de los pacientes con dolor lumbar bajo crónico no radicular. La articulación sacroilíaca (ASI) recibe continuo stress durante la bipedestación y marcha, siendo estabilizada por estructuras ligamentarias, capsulares y miofasciales fuertes, que reciben una abundante inervación. Destaca la dificultad en el diagnóstico del dolor sacroilíaco; debido a su naturaleza heterogénea. Éste se debe sospechar en todo paciente con síndrome de dolor lumbar no radicular, unilateral y no central. El examen físico debería descartar patología de cadera y columna lumbar. La realización de maniobras de provocación del dolor sacroilíaco aporta en el diagnóstico, teniendo la combinación de 3 o más maniobras positivas una sensibilidad de 85% y especificidad de 79%. Se ha recurrido a inyecciones diagnósticas con anestésicos locales, tanto intraarticulares como de ligamentos circundantes. El tratamiento del dolor sacroilíaco es multimodal e individualizado para cada paciente. El tratamiento conservador­basado en terapia física y antiinflamatorios no esteroidales­ es la terapia de primera línea. Las infiltraciones esteroidales tanto intra como extraarticulares pueden proveer alivio en un grupo de pacientes con inflamación activa. La denervación de los ramos dorsales laterales con radiofrecuencia ha mostrado ser un tratamiento exitoso en pacientes con dolor sacroilíaco, logrando 6 meses a 1 año de alivio del dolor. En pacientes con dolor refractario, la fusión de la articulación sacroilíaca es una opción, prefiriéndose la técnica mínimamente invasiva de fijación trans-sacroilíaca.

Sacroiliac pain is an frecuent underdiagnosed source of low back pain, affecting 15% to 30% of individuals with chronic, non-radicular pain. The sacroiliac joint (SIJ) is subject to continuous stress during standing position and gait, being stabilized by strong ligament, capsular and myofascial structures with rich innervation. Due to its heterogeneous nature, SIJ pain is difficult to diagnose, and it should be suspected in all patients with non-radicular unilateral and non-central low back pain syndrome. Physical examination should rule out hip and lumbar spine pathology. SIJ provocation maneuvers are used for diagnosis, with the combination of 3 or more positive maneuvers resulting in a sensitivity of 85% and a specificity of 79%. Diagnostic injections of local anesthetics, both intra-articular and in the surrounding ligaments have been used. treatment of SIJ pain is multimodal and individualized for each patient. Conservative treatment, based on physical therapy and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) is the first line therapy. Both intra- and extra-articular steroid infiltrations can provide relief in a group of patients with active inflammation. Radiofrequency denervation of lateral dorsal branches has proven to be a successful treatment in SIJ pain patients, achieving 6 to 12 months of pain relief. In patients with refractory pain, SIJ fusion is an option, with minimally invasive trans-sacroiliac fixation being the preferred technique.

Humans , Sacroiliac Joint/pathology , Low Back Pain/diagnosis , Low Back Pain/therapy , Low Back Pain/etiology , Low Back Pain/physiopathology , Diagnosis, Differential
Dolor ; 29(71): 36-40, jul. 2019. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1118184


El dolor crónico postoperatorio de cirugía de columna lumbar tiene una incidencia entre un 10-50 por ciento de los pacientes postoperados, siendo de difícil manejo. Se ha denominado síndrome de fracaso de cirugía espinal lumbar (FBSS) a aquellos pacientes que han sido beneficiarios de una cirugía del raquis lumbosacro y en quienes no se logra una mejoría de manera satisfactoria, presentando dolor crónico lumbar, siendo su incidencia de alrededor de un 20 por ciento, y debido a una mala evolución del proceso de recuperación que puede ocasionar fibrosis en el canal medular. Existen diversas alternativas terapéuticas para afrontar este problema, donde destacan el tratamiento farmacológico, medicina física y el abordaje intervencionista no quirúrgico y quirúrgico implementados últimamente, con el fin de disminuir de manera efectiva el dolor en este grupo de pacientes. Sin embargo, a pesar de las terapias combinadas, existe un grupo de pacientes que debe ser sometido a una nueva intervención quirúrgica con resultados poco promisorios.

Chronic postoperative pain of lumbar spine surgery has an incidence between 10-50 percent of postoperative patients, being difficult to manage. The Failed Back Surgery Syndrome (FBSS) has been referred to those patients who have been beneficiaries of lumbosacral spinal surgery and who do not achieve a satisfactory improvement, presenting chronic lumbar pain with an incidence around 20 percent and due to a poor evolution of the recovery process that can cause fibrosis in the medullary canal. There are several therapeutic alternatives to address this problem, which highlights the pharmacological treatment, physical medicine and the non-surgical and surgical intervention approach recently implemented, in order to effectively reduce pain in this group of patients. However, despite the combination therapies, there is a group of patients that must undergo a new surgical intervention with little promising results.

Humans , Pain, Postoperative/etiology , Pain, Postoperative/therapy , Low Back Pain/etiology , Low Back Pain/therapy , Failed Back Surgery Syndrome/complications , Failed Back Surgery Syndrome/therapy , Neurosurgical Procedures/adverse effects , Chronic Pain , Lumbar Vertebrae/surgery
Journal Africain de l'Imagerie Médicale ; 11(3): 348-353, 2019. ilus
Article in French | AIM | ID: biblio-1263877


Objectifs:dresser le profil étiologique à la tomodensitométrie desdouleurs lombaires chez 403 patients.Matériels et méthodes: il s'agissait d'une étude transversale à propos de 403 dossiers colligés sur une période de 15 mois au service d'Imagerie du Centre Hospitalier Régional de Saint-Louis du Sénégal. Tout patient adressé pour scanner lombaire a été inclus quel que soit son âge, son sexe ou son indication. Les patients dont le scanner était normal ont été exclus. Les examens étaient réalisés avec un scanner 16 coupes de type Siemens.Les paramètres étudiés étaient l'âge, le sexe, l'indication et les résultats de l'examen tomodensitométrique. Le recueil et l'analyse des données ont été effectuées à l'aide du tableau Excel 2010 et du logiciel SPSS 22. Le test exact de Fisher a été effectué et un seuil de signification &=5% a été fixé.Résultats: Lamoyenned'âge de la population d'étudeétaitde 45 ansavecdesextrêmesde 16 anset 89 ans et un genre ratio de 1,3. La tranched'âge de 31 ans ­ 40 ansétaitprédominante. Sur le plan clinique, 213 patients soit 52,9% étaient adressés au scanner pour douleurs lombaires non spécifiques contre 47,1% de cas pour sciatalgie. Parmi ces derniers les 21,3% présentaient une sciatalgie bilatérale, 14,4% avaient une sciatalgie droite tandis que 12,7% présentaient une symptomatologie à gauche.Une discopathie dégénérative était notée dans 92,3% des cas avec un conflit disco-radiculaire retrouvé chez 41,2% de ces patients.Une hernie discale était présente chez 93 patients (23%). Elle était latérale dans 46% des cas, médiane dans 45% et foraminale dans 9% des cas. Les atteintes arthrosiques étaient représentées par les spondylophytes (47,9%), l'érosion des plateaux vertébraux (9,2%) et le phénomène de vide discal (18,4%) La lyse isthmique était observée dans 9,4% des cas. Les troubles de la statique rachidienne étaient retrouvés chez 17% des patients et les anomalies transitionnelles chez 11,4% des patients avec sacralisation de L5 dans 7,2% et lombalisation de S1 dans 4,5%.Le canal lombaire étroit représentait 7%, les lésions traumatiques 5%, les lésions infectieuses 1,5% des cas, les lésions inflammatoires 2,7% et lésions d'allure tumorale 2,5%.Nous avions noté une dégénérescence graisseuse des muscles rachidiens chez 2,2% des patients.Conclusion: La majorité des patients adressés pour TDM lombaire est relativement jeune avec des étiologies dominées par les discopathies dégénératives. La TDM nous a permis de faire une analyse morphologique exhaustive et d'avoir une orientation étiologique de ces douleurs lombaires même si l'IRM reste l'examen de référence

Low Back Pain/etiology , Senegal , Spine , Tomography, X-Ray Computed
Rev. Pesqui. Fisioter ; 8(4): 579-587, nov., 2018. ilus, tab
Article in English, Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-968838


INTRODUÇÃO: Ozonioterapia é uma ferramenta terapêutica utilizada para o tratamento de dor lombar associada a hérnia de disco lombar. Objetivo: o objetivo dessa revisão sistemática foi ratificar a relevância desse tratamento na prática clínica e enfatizar sua possível utilização na fisioterapia. MATERIAIS AND MÉTODOS: PRISMA e PICOS foram utilizados para analisar o desenho dos manuscritos. A seleção dos manuscritos foi realizada através de busca nas bases de dados PUBMED, Periódicos CAPES e Scielo. Quatro ensaios clínicos foram selecionados de acordo com os critérios de inclusão criado para essa estudo. RESULTADOS: Todos os autores confirmaram a eficiência da ozonioterapia como método terapêutico na reversão da sintomatologia álgica de pacientes com hérnia de disco lombar. Ozonioterapia associada ao tratamento fisioterapêutico pode contribuir no alívio da dor associada a dor lombar influenciando na qualidade de vida dos pacientes. CONCLUSÃO: Ozonioterapia é uma opção terapêutica efetiva para pacientes com dor lombar associada a hérnia de disco lombar. [AU]

INTRODUCTION: Ozonetherapy is a therapeutic tool used in the treatment of low back pain associated to herniation of lumbar disks. OBJECTIVE: The objective of this systematic review was to ratify the relevance of this treatment in clinical practice, besides emphasizing its possible utilization on physiotherapy. MATERIALS AND METHODS: PRISMA and PICOS were used to analyze the manuscripts design. Manuscripts selection was made by a research in the PUBMED, Periódicos CAPES and Scielo databases. Four clinical trials were selected according to the inclusion criterias designer for the study. RESULTS: All the authors confirmed the efficiency of ozonetherapy as a therapeutic method in reversing the algic symptomatology of pacients whit lumbar disc herniation. Ozonetherapy associated to the physiotherapeutic treatment can contribute pain relief related to low back pain by influencing the improvement in patients quality of life. CONCLUSION: Ozonetherapy is an effective therapeutic option for patients whit low back pain associated whit lumbar disk herniation. [AU]

Humans , Ozone/therapeutic use , Physical Therapy Modalities , Low Back Pain/therapy , Intervertebral Disc Degeneration/complications , Hernia/complications , Lumbar Vertebrae , Low Back Pain/etiology
Rev. bras. neurol ; 54(3): 39-42, jul.-ago. 2018. ilus
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-948106


Extradural lumbar spinal canal cavernous hemangiomas (or cavernomas) are rare lesions that can induce intense back pain and neurological deficit. We present a case report of a patient with a pure radicular lombar extradural cavernoma resembling a benign neurological tumor in imaging exams and a successful surgical resection.

Os hemangiomas cavernosos do canal vertebral lombar extradural (ou cavernomas) são lesões raras que podem induzir dor intensa no dorso e déficit neurológico. Apresentamos um relato de caso de um paciente com um cavernoma extradural lombar radicular puro assemelhando-se a um tumor neurológico benigno em exames de imagem e uma ressecção cirúrgica bem-sucedida.

Humans , Male , Middle Aged , Low Back Pain/surgery , Hemangioma, Cavernous/surgery , Hemangioma, Cavernous/complications , Hemangioma, Cavernous/diagnosis , Magnetic Resonance Imaging/methods , Low Back Pain/etiology , Lumbosacral Region
Rev. bras. anestesiol ; 68(3): 322-324, May-June 2018. graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-958285


Abstract Schmorl's node a focal herniation of intervertebral disc through the end plate into the vertebral body. Most of the established Schmorl's nodes are quiescent. However, disc herniation into the vertebral marrow can cause low back pain by irritating a nociceptive system. Schmorl's node induced radicular pain is a very rare condition. Some cases of Schmorl's node which generated low back pain or radicular pain were treated by surgical methods. In this article, authors reported a rare case of a patient with radicular pain cause by Schmorl's node located at the inferior surface of the 5th lumbar spine. The radicular pain was alleviated by serial 5th lumbar transforaminal epidural blocks. Transforaminal epidural block is suggested as first conservative option to treat radicular pain due to herniation of intervertebral disc. Therefore, non-surgical treatment such as transforaminal epidural block can be considered a first treatment option for radicular pain caused by Schmorl's node.

Resumo O nódulo de Schmörl (NS) é a herniação focal do disco intervertebral através da placa terminal para dentro do corpo vertebral. A maioria dos nódulos de Schmörl já estabelecidos é quiescente. Porém, a hérnia de disco na medula vertebral pode causar dor lombar quando afeta um sistema nociceptivo. A dor radicular induzida por NS é uma condição muito rara. Alguns casos de NS que causaram dor lombar ou radicular foram tratados com procedimentos cirúrgicos. Neste artigo, relatamos o caso raro de um paciente com dor radicular causada por NS localizado na superfície inferior da quinta vértebra lombar (L5). A dor radicular foi atenuada mediante uma série de bloqueios peridurais transforaminais no nível L5. O bloqueio epidural transforaminal (BET) foi sugerido como primeira opção conservadora para tratar a dor radicular devido à herniação do disco intervertebral. Portanto, um tratamento não cirúrgico como o BET pode ser considerado como uma primeira opção de tratamento da dor radicular causada por NS.

Humans , Male , Middle Aged , Sciatica/physiopathology , Analgesia, Epidural/instrumentation , Low Back Pain/etiology , Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy/instrumentation , Tomography, X-Ray Computed/instrumentation
Rev. bras. reumatol ; 57(5): 438-444, Sept.-Oct. 2017. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-899441


Abstract Objective: To determine the prevalence of Chronic Low Back Pain and predictors of Back Muscle Strength in patients with Systemic Lupus Erythematosus. Methods: Cross-sectional study. Ninety-six ambulatory patients with lupus were selected by non-probability sampling and interviewed and tested during medical consultation. The outcomes measurements were: Point prevalence of chronic low back pain, Oswestry Disability Index, Tampa Scale of Kinesiophobia, Fatigue Severity Scale and maximal voluntary isometric contractions of handgrip and of the back muscles. Correlation coefficient and multiple linear regression were used in statistical analysis. Results: Of the 96 individuals interviewed, 25 had chronic low back pain, indicating a point prevalence of 26% (92% women). The correlation between the Oswestry Index and maximal voluntary isometric contraction of the back muscles was r = −0.4, 95% CI [−0.68; −0.01] and between the maximal voluntary isometric contraction of handgrip and of the back muscles was r = 0.72, 95% CI [0.51; 0.88]. The regression model presented the highest value of R 2 being observed when maximal voluntary isometric contraction of the back muscles was tested with five independent variables (63%). In this model handgrip strength was the only predictive variable (β = 0.61, p = 0.001). Conclusions: The prevalence of chronic low back pain in individuals with systemic lupus erythematosus was 26%. The maximal voluntary isometric contraction of the back muscles was 63% predicted by five variables of interest, however, only the handgrip strength was a statistically significant predictive variable. The maximal voluntary isometric contraction of the back muscles presented a linear relation directly proportional to handgrip and inversely proportional to Oswestry Index i.e. stronger back muscles are associated with lower disability scores.

Resumo Objetivo: Determinar a prevalência de lombalgia crônica (LBC) e os preditores de força muscular nas costas (FMC) em pacientes com lúpus eritematoso sistêmico (LES). Métodos: Estudo transversal. Selecionaram-se 96 pacientes ambulatoriais com LES por amostragem não probabilística, entrevistados e testados durante consultas médicas. As medidas de desfecho foram: prevalência ocasional de LBC, Índice de Incapacidade de Oswestry, Escala Tampa para Cinesiofobia, Escala de Gravidade da Fadiga e contrações isométricas voluntárias máximas (CIVM) de preensão manual e dos músculos das costas. Usaram-se o coeficiente de correlação e a regressão linear múltipla na análise estatística. Resultados: Dos 96 indivíduos entrevistados, 25 apresentavam LBC, o que indicou uma prevalência circunstancial de 26% (92% mulheres). A correlação entre o Índice de Incapacidade de Oswestry e a contração isométrica voluntária máxima dos músculos das costas foi de r = -0,4, IC 95% [-0,68; -0,01] e entre a CIVM de preensão manual e dos músculos das costas foi de r = 0,72, IC 95% [0,51; 0,88]. O modelo de regressão apresentou o maior valor de R2 observado quando a CIVM dos músculos das costas foi testada com cinco variáveis independentes (63%). Nesse modelo, a força de preensão manual foi a única variável preditiva (ß = 0,61, p = 0,001). Conclusões: A prevalência de LBC em indivíduos com LES foi de 26%. A CIVM dos músculos das costas foi 63% prevista por cinco variáveis de interesse. No entanto, apenas a força de preensão manual foi uma variável preditiva estatisticamente significativa. A CIVM dos músculos das costas apresentou uma relação linear diretamente proporcional à força de preensão manual e inversamente proporcional ao Índice de Incapacidade de Oswestry (ou seja, músculos das costas mais fortes estão associados a menores pontuações de incapacidade).

Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Low Back Pain/etiology , Muscle Strength , Chronic Pain/etiology , Back Muscles/physiopathology , Lupus Erythematosus, Systemic/complications , Linear Models , Prevalence , Cross-Sectional Studies , Risk Factors , Low Back Pain/diagnosis , Low Back Pain/physiopathology , Low Back Pain/epidemiology , Chronic Pain/diagnosis , Chronic Pain/physiopathology , Chronic Pain/epidemiology , Middle Aged
Cienc. Trab ; 17(54): 193-201, dic. 2015. ilus, tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-772276


ANTECEDENTES. La discapacidad laboral por dolor lumbar causa ausencia laboral y gastos económicos. Se ha responsabilizado su presencia a condiciones del entorno laboral y a la manipulación manual de cargas (MMC). Se evaluó la asociación entre niveles de exposición laboral a MMC y presencia de discapacidad en trabajadores protegidos por ley laboral en Santiago de Chile. MATERIAL Y MÉTODO. Estudio Caso Control. Exposición y covariables de interés fueron medidas en puesto de trabajo. Los análisis incluyeron Modelos de Regresión Logística Múltiple. RESULTADOS. La exposición a MMC moderada muestra OR: 1,62 (IC95%:0,61-4,33), la exposición a MMC alta y muy alta muestra OR de 2,75 (IC95%:1,08-6,95). DISCUSIÓN. Existe una importante magnitud y gradiente de asociación entre MMC y discapacidad. Variables psicosociales, organizacionales e individuales también explican el fenómeno. Se sugiere rediseñar las estrategias nacionales para prevenir riesgos laborales relacionados con discapacidad por dolor lumbar.

BACKGROUND: Work disability due to low back pain causes lost productivity and economic expense. It has been blamed on the working environment and the manual handling of loads (MHL). The link between levels of work exposure to MHL and the disability of workers protected by labor law was evaluated in Santiago, Chile. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Case-control study. Exposure and study co-variables were measured in the workplace. The analyses included multiple logistic regression models. RESULT AND DISCUSSION: Exposure to moderate MHL shows an OR: 1.62 (95% CI: 0.61-4.33), high and very high exposure to MHL shows an OR of 2.75 (95% CI: 1.08-6.95), controlled by psychosocial, organizational and individual aspects. There is a significant magnitude and gradient of association between MHL and disability. Psychosocial, organizational and individual variables also explain the phenomenon. It is suggested that national strategies be redesigned to prevent the occupational risks related to disability due to low back pain.

Humans , Adolescent , Adult , Middle Aged , Young Adult , Low Back Pain/etiology , Absenteeism , Occupational Diseases/etiology , Case-Control Studies , Logistic Models , Chile , Surveys and Questionnaires , Risk Factors , Occupational Exposure , Occupational Health , Workplace , Low Back Pain/epidemiology , Lifting/adverse effects , Occupational Diseases/epidemiology
Rev. chil. neuro-psiquiatr ; 53(2): 93-99, jun. 2015. ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-753502


Aim: Case report of association between diastematomyelia and medulloepithelioma. Method: 14-year-old patient with lower back pain and recent neurological deficit in extremities. CT and MRI scans of the thoracolumbar spine revealed a diastematomyelia. Intraoperative examination confirmed the presence of a spinal dysraphism and associated tumor, which was almost completely resected. Result: Histopathological and immunohistochemical findings were consistent with medulloepithelioma. Her postoperative course was uneventful. Conclusion: Diastematomyelia may manifest during adolescence as lower back pain and neurological deficit. The association of this malformation with a neoplasia is extremely rare; the present case describes concomitance with medulloepithelioma.

Reporte de un caso de asociación de diastematomielia y meduloepitelioma. Método: Paciente de 14 años con dolor lumbar y déficit neurológico en extremidades de reciente instalación. En TAC y RNM de columna dorsolumbar se pesquisa una diastematomielia. La exploración intraoperatoria, comprueba la presencia de una disrafia espinal y un tumor asociado al defecto, que se reseca casi en su totalidad. Resultado: Los hallazgos histopatológicos e inmunohistoquímicos son concordante con meduloepitelioma. La paciente tuvo un postoperatorio satisfactorio. Conclusión: La diastematomielia se puede manifestar durante la adolescencia como dolor lumbar y déficit neurológico. La asociación de esta malformación, con una neoplasia es muy poco frecuente, el presente caso describe la concomitancia con un meduloepitelioma.

Humans , Adolescent , Female , Neural Tube Defects/complications , Neural Tube Defects/diagnosis , Spinal Cord Neoplasms/surgery , Spinal Cord Neoplasms/complications , Neuroectodermal Tumors, Primitive/surgery , Neuroectodermal Tumors, Primitive/complications , Low Back Pain/etiology , Spinal Cord Neoplasms/diagnosis , Spinal Dysraphism , Neuroectodermal Tumors, Primitive/diagnosis
Acta ortop. mex ; 29(1): 40-45, ene.-feb. 2015. ilus, tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-755663


Antecedentes: En México la lumbalgia es un síntoma muy frecuente en la consulta ortopédica, causa importante de absentismo laboral, de difícil diagnóstico por sus diferentes etiologías y el tratamiento debe decidirse cautelosamente, ya que según la Organización Mundial de la Salud sólo 4% de los pacientes requieren cirugía. Objetivo: Determinar la frecuencia de lumbalgia en el Hospital Ángeles Mocel en un período de dos años, analizar las diferentes etiologías y el tratamiento dado a cada paciente. Material y métodos: Se analizó la base de datos del servicio de Ortopedia y Traumatología del Hospital Ángeles Mocel de la cual se obtuvieron 246 pacientes mayores de 18 años con diagnóstico de lumbalgia ingresados a hospitalización, analizando su frecuencia, sexo, edad, etiología y tratamiento. Resultados: En el Hospital, la lumbalgia ocupa el segundo lugar de ingresos hospitalarios en el Servicio de Ortopedia y Traumatología con una frecuencia de 13.5%, el rango de edad de mayor frecuencia fue de 31 a 45 (36.9%), predominaron los pacientes del sexo femenino (53.6%). La mayoría de las lumbalgias ingresadas fueron agudas y de etiología postraumática (90% de los casos). Conclusión: La lumbalgia es un síntoma de consulta frecuente a nivel mundial. En México hay escasos estudios epidemiológicos acerca de la frecuencia, su etiología y tratamiento de la lumbalgia y constituye una de las principales causas de ingreso hospitalario en una institución de asistencia médica privada.

Background: In Mexico low back pain is a very frequent symptom in the orthopedic practice. It is an important cause of work absenteeism, it is difficult to diagnose due to its various etiologies, and its treatment should be carefully chosen as, according to the World Health Organization, only 4% of patients require surgery. Objective: To determine the frequency of low back pain at Hospital Ángeles Mocel during a two-year period, and analyze the various etiologies and the treatment provided to patients. Material and methods: The data base of the Orthopedics and Traumatology Service at Hospital Ángeles Mocel was analyzed. It consisted of 246 patients over 18 years of age admitted with a diagnosis of low back pain. Frequency, sex, age, etiology and treatment were analyzed. Results: At this hospital low back pain ranks second among the causes for hospital admission at the Orthopedics and Traumatology Service. Frequency is 13.5%; the most frequent age group affected is 31-45 years (36.9%); females were predominant (53.6%). Most cases admitted for low back pain were acute and had a posttraumatic etiology (90% of cases). Conclusion: Low back pain is a frequent reason for visiting the doctor worldwide. Epidemiologic studies about the frequency, etiology and treatment of low back pain are scarce in Mexico, even though it is one of the major causes for hospital admission at a private hospital.

Adolescent , Adult , Aged , Female , Humans , Male , Middle Aged , Young Adult , Hospitalization/statistics & numerical data , Low Back Pain/epidemiology , Wounds and Injuries/complications , Hospitals, Private , Low Back Pain/etiology , Low Back Pain/therapy , Mexico/epidemiology , Wounds and Injuries/epidemiology
Rev. bras. reumatol ; 54(5): 371-377, Sep-Oct/2014. tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-725688


Objetivo: O objetivo do estudo foi avaliar fatores de risco potenciais para dor lombar na rotina diária de dois grupos de jovens: indivíduos com queixa de dor lombar e um grupo de controle. Métodos: A amostra consistiu de 198 estudantes em idade universitária (homens e mulheres), entre 18 e 29 anos. De acordo com os diagnósticos de dor nas costas, os participantes foram separados em dois grupos: com ou sem dor lombar crônica inespecífica. Ambos os grupos foram avaliados por um observador "cego", i.e. desconhecedor da presença ou de qualquer outra indicação de dor lombar. Foram aplicados questionários relativos às características clínico-demográficas, estilo de vida, qualidade de vida (questionário SF-36), dor pela escala visual analógica (EVA) e exame físico. Resultados: Uma análise univariada demonstrou uma associação estatisticamente significativa (p < 0,05) entre presença de dor lombar e alguns fatores. Houve uma associação negativa entre dor lombar e as seguintes variáveis: IMC, autoavaliação da saúde/EVA e alguns domínios do SF-36 (função física, dor corporal, saúde em geral, vitalidade, função social). Houve uma correlação positiva com as seguintes variáveis: dor global por EVA, presença de dor difusa e número de pontos sensíveis. Contudo, a análise multivariada demonstrou correlações estatisticamente significativas (p < 0,05) entre dor lombar e poucas variáveis: dor global por EVA e número de pontos sensíveis. Conclusão: Algumas variáveis relacionadas à dor difusa crônica e à má qualidade de vida podem estar associadas à dor lombar crônica em adultos jovens. Mas há necessidade de estudos longitudinais. .

Objective: The aim of the study was to evaluate potential risk factors related to low back pain in the daily routines of two sets of youths: individuals complaining of chronic low back pain and a control group. Methods: The sample consisted of 198 university-age students (male and female) aged between 18 and 29. In accordance with back pain diagnoses, they were separated into two groups: with or without nonspecific chronic low back pain. Both groups were evaluated by a "blinded" observer with no knowledge to the presence or otherwise of lower back pain. Questionnaires concerning clinical-demographic characteristics, life style, quality of life (SF-36 questionnaire), pain visual analogical scales (VAS), and physical examination were applied. Results: A univariate analysis showed a statistically significant association (P < 0.05) with the presence of low back pain and some factors. There was a negative association between low back pain and the following variables: BMI, health self-assessment, VAS and some SF-36 domains (physical functioning, body pain, general health, vitality, social functioning). There was a positive correlation with the following variables: global pain by VAS, presence of diffuse pain and number of tender points. However, the multivariate analysis showed statistically significant correlations (P < 0.05) between low back pain and few variables: global pain VAS and number of tender points. Conclusion: Some variables related to chronic diffuse pain and lower quality of life might be associated to chronic low back pain in young adults. However, longitudinal studies are necessary. .

Humans , Male , Female , Adolescent , Adult , Young Adult , Low Back Pain/etiology , Risk Factors , Low Back Pain/epidemiology
Acta ortop. mex ; 28(4): 233-239, jul.-ago. 2014. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-730345


Introducción: La evaluación clínica de dolor radicular asocia síntomas y signos del fenotipo doloroso con el mecanismo de base. La escala de evaluación estandarizada del dolor (StEP) diferencia dolor lumbar axial del radicular mediante interrogatorio (3 preguntas) y examen físico (8 pruebas). Objetivo: Adaptar la escala StEP al español. Metodología: Selección de escala, traducción-retraducción, ajustes ítems y utilidad, prueba piloto, análisis de validez y confiabilidad. Inclusión: Cualquier género, mayor de 18 años, dolor lumbar con o sin irradiación, que firmen consentimiento informado. Exclusión: Neuropatías, polineuropatías, miopatías, enfermedad neurológica, miofascial, venosa, siquiátrica, cardiovascular, postoperados. Muestra: 21 pacientes. Resultados: Evaluación en 2 ocasiones por paciente, intervalo de una semana, 2 evaluadores. 21 pacientes, 9 femeninos (42.9%) y 12 masculinos (57.1%); edad: 22 a 58 años (media 38). Diagnósticos: lumbalgia 7 (33.3%), lumbociática 6 (28.6%), hernia discal 5 (23.8%), espondilolistesis 2 (9.5%), radiculopatía 1 (4.8%). Evaluador 1: axial 18 (85.7%), radicular 3 (14.3%). Evaluador 2: axial 14 (66.7%), radicular 7 (33.3%). Resultados de validez adecuados. Consistencia interna (alpha de Cronbach) 0.7. Tiempo prueba/reprueba: 15 a 10 minutos. Confiabilidad inter-evaluador (índice Kappa) 0.5. Conclusión: La escala presenta variabilidad en la identificación del dolor radicular en comparación a lo reportado inicialmente por su autor; sin embargo, se considera de utilidad en la identificación clínica de la radiculopatía.

Introduction: The clinical assessment of radicular pain associates the signs and symptoms of the painful phenotype with the underlying mechanism. The Standardized Evaluation of Pain (StEP) distinguishes between axial and radicular lumbar pain by means of a questionnaire (3 questions) and a physical exam (8 tests). Objective: To adapt the StEP scale to Spanish. Methodology: Selection of the scale, translation-back translation, adjustments, items and utility, pilot test, validity and reliability tests. Inclusion criteria: Any sex, over age 18, lumbar pain with or without irradiation, signing of the informed consent. Exclusion criteria: Neuropathies, polyneuropathies, myopathies, neurologic, myofascial, venous, psychiatric, cardiovascular disease, postoperative status. Sample: 21 patients. Results: Patients were assessed twice with a one-week interval with the help of 2 evaluators. There were 21 patients, 9 females (42.9%) and 12 males (57.1%); ages 22-58 years (mean 38). Diagnoses: low back pain, 7 (33.3%); lumbosciatica, 6 (28.6%); disc herniation, 5 (23.8%); spondylolisthesis, 2 (9.5%); radiculopathy, 1 (4.8%). Evaluator 1: axial, 18 (85.7%); radicular, 3 (14.3%). Evaluator 2: axial, 14 (66.7%); radicular, 7 (33.3%). Validity results were appropriate. Internal consistency (Cornbach's alpha), 0.7. Test/re-test time: 10-15 minutes. Inter-evaluator reliability (Kappa index), 0.5. Conclusion: The scale showed variability in identifying radicular pain compared to what its author reported initially. However, it is considered as a useful tool to clinically identify radiculopathy.

Adult , Female , Humans , Male , Middle Aged , Young Adult , Low Back Pain/etiology , Pain Measurement/standards , Radiculopathy/complications , Language , Mexico , Reproducibility of Results , Surveys and Questionnaires